Alas! You leave the peace within yourself to collect and to keep... To guard the wealth and silently weep... You proclaim that you are alone while you are surrounded by fears... You posses those that you think have loved you and you leave behind those that can no more feed your greed... You laugh the moments when desire serves and anger possesses you when your hands suddenly become empty... You dream of glory when you are awake and you plan for tomorrow in the hours of darkness... The mind speaks while you are at rest... And when the time for work comes your mind closes its eyes to rest... Alas! You leave the peace within yourself and at one moment when wisdom shall dawn you shall question your own pursuits... Then at that moment you shall turn to the self that you had left... And within your own heart you shall hear the silence... The music of peace shall fill you... and you shall remain content and full with your self... Yes, nothing was needed other than you... Nothing was real other than the self you thought you left... The self that walked looking for itself... And the self that had returned to itself surrendering itself to the peace within itself... |